Welcome to my service
As the time is developing competition is increaseing business/products being promoted on diffirent plateform i am going to present you my services of promoting business, brand, products any thing you want using classified ads posting plateform.
1)Products promotion.
2) Ad design.
3) advertising campaign.
4) advertising ideas.
5) Flyer distribtion.
A short Demo of my services http://sadafshafique.myartsonline.com/sadafshafique-2/
The best area where you can propagate your products is classified websites. As you know very well all the classified websites are connected with each other .
I can Design a flyer for your product and can post that with its all descriptions on the classified websites for your product propagation.
Other platform like facebook instagram etc does not connected in such way as classified websites used to connected when we post ads on the classified websites then they used to linked with other websites and in 24 hour your add got viral . But on other plate form it took time.
Here is link of my website http://sadafshafique.myartsonline.com/
Feel free to contact me .
Best regard