I have done Hardcore customization on WordPress themes, Writing themes from scratch and Plugin customization as well. Expertise in developing WP theme using WP-Builder Worked on multiple WordPress themes: DIVI, genesis, Avada, X-Theme, WPLMS, Tour Package, Architect, and many more Developing easy to use Content Management System Ecommerce: Woocommerce and Virtuemart WYSIWYG text editor Experience in developing multisites Automated sitemap Capable to produce a well-analyzed backend architecture for a flexible and structured development. Rich experience in developing Blogs, forums, and other discussion/engagement tools Integrated multiple WP Plugins like Plugins integrations like Rvslider, Meta Slider, WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, Contact us form 7, Gravity Form, Nextgen Gallery, WordPress Gallery Plugin, Paid Memberships Pro, s2Member Framework , W3 Total Cache, News Letter, Page Builder, BuddyPress, Site Map etc. Vast experience in Developing or Customizing Responsive WordPress websites Themes/Child Themes using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap or Customized Code.