+5 years of experience in Magento Coding with extensive knowledge of developing and customization of Magento Extensions.Holds and expertise in integrating and customization of following Magento Extensions and Components. Magento Key Skills:- UPS Configuration / UPS WorldShip Integration / Magento in an AWS Environment / Ajax Add To Cart / FedEx Shipping Method / Advanced Reports by aheadWorks / Marketplace Amazon S3 / Payplug Payment Integration / Barclaycard SmartPay Payment Module / Comprehensive Knowledge Base Extension / Magento Drop Shipping Component My other CMS key skills and abilities include:- =>WordPress, Prestashop, Shopify =>Web Scraping with PHP language =>Backend / Frontend function =>HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery =>MS SQL 2005/2008/2012, MySQL, =>Database administration, stored procedure,stored function =>XML, WebService, JSON