I am a professional Backend Developer with more than 6 years of experience in .Net Development.
Backend Services:
- Handles all the API work (.Net & .Net Core).
- Database work (SQL Server/Oracle)
- SOLID Principles and DRY principles implementations
- Dependency Injections for efficient application code
- bug identifications
- bug fixation
- Design Pattern implementations
- Optimizations of existing stored procedures and views
- SQL query writing
- Database structure creation for application
- Query Execution plans and analysis of long stored procedures
- Unit Tests for API calls
Frontend Services:
- MVC based applications.
- Webform based applications.
- Window services.
- bug identifications
- bug fixation
I can provide you in-depth documentation of the requirements as happens in SDLC. Also provide documentation for techniques applied to solve a certain problem This will help you maintain detailed description of features, flows of applications for future extensions and knowledge transference.