CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP MVC framework that enables web developers to rapidly code and develop applications that they would otherwise have to develop from scratch. It has libraries available to use. So that any knowledgeable web application developer can build to your specifications and liking. I have many things built in CodeIgniter from Database Management systems, websites, User management systems, Document Management systems, and more. I am also based in the USA and I do not outsource to anyone. All of your project will be built by me alone. I am completely responsible for your application once we both sign on the dotted line. I also have almost 10 years of experience as a web developer and I commonly employ technologies like : OOP PHP, MySQL, JQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, HTML5, Css3, Symfony, Cake, LeafletJS, MapBox, Google Maps API, MySQL Workbench, WordPress, OpenCart, and more.