How to use your Mac, iPad and/or iPhone better alone or better together What type of technology tools should you buy? Do I need a Macbook, and iPad, or both? How to I get less paper in my life? How to start to go paperless? What are my options? How far should I take it? Getting started with social media: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ etc. Evernote, Dropbox, Springpad, Kindle, Different Browser options, How and when to use Skype, iChat, Go To Meeting Managing Photos, Documents, and information across devices, iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, Devonthink, OmniFocus, Task Mangement and Calendars Syncing Calendars and Contacts between devices Tips and tricks to use your Mac, iPhone, iPad or Android more effectively. How to get rid of annoying behaviors in your system, like people’s old email addresses that keep popping up in your drop down menu. Your computer is running slow: How to evaluated what’s going on. Do you need more RAM, a bigger hard drive, or just some better practices for managing your computer.