Is your web content a smoking dumpster fire of grammar mistakes, flabby sentences and weak, passive language? Is your blog written in a bland voice with less flavor than a boiled potato? Your competition knows how to engage their readers through concise, persuasive copy and slow play, trust-building content marketing. That's why they're scoring your customers. Copywriting, content marketing and on-page SEO are art forms. Too many times, business owners think they don't need to hire a professional and try to do it themselves or have someone's administrative assistant do it. If you want to engage your readers and turn them into customers, you HAVE to fix your content strategy. I ruthlessly cut wordy sentences and rambling paragraphs down to polished elegance so your audience can focus on how you solve their problems. You're busy building your brand and running your business. Leave the content to the nutty lady who shakes her fist at inappropriate blog post organization and poorly worded landing page copy. My specialties: - Rewording for clarity and conciseness without changing your brand voice - Helping you define your voice if you don't have one yet - Structuring content for scannability and easy reading - Writing for readers first, search engines second - Working quickly and thoroughly