I’ve always been an enthusiast for writing , be it content writing or for a particular task. My written communication skills are powerful. I often utilize written communications as a follow up to verbal communications. I have always been excited to write essays and descriptives at school .My diversity for writing can be seen with my passion to literally write about anything. My passion for writing grows stronger day by day. As I continue to write I come across new ideas and new vocabularies. I’ve recently written an article for a magazine on the importance of newspaper for children. Therefore reading had always been a passion too .I read books of all genres ranging from history to fiction or fantasy. As a kid I always read “Dairy of a vimpy kid” and the “Dork dairies”. My current favorites include “yesterday I was the moon” and “A million little pieces”. With reading and writing I have always wanted to speak on issues like trans-laws , health issues , social issues and all the rest that prevail in our society and speaking up for human rights. I feel like everyone in the society deserve rights and the necessities of life.