I am a content writer and I have a love for writing. I can work on the keyboard for hours and love to express my thoughts and ideas in words. God has given me the talent to write the content to the limit required. I can write on various topics including marketing, management, HR, business as far as my degree is concerned. Apart from the content related to my professional degree and experience as I am a lecturer by profession. I write content related to women's rights.
My three-year content writing experience includes various topics and writings and extracts, the details of which are as follows:
- Women's rights including 40 different topics like the right to vote, right to education, right of property, right of speech, and the list is exhaustive.
- Content including letters to various NGOs.
- Content regarding women's awareness.
- My content also highlights the social issues of society.
- I also make presentations to be conducted in various welfare programs.
- I have written various blogs regarding the products required for women concerning birth control and their health.
Apart from writing content, I can also proofread.