I have been a book author and artist for close to twenty years. I have paid for my mortgage, groceries, vacations and braces with my self-generated income. I have sold a blessed two million copies of my words and pictures.
Kamal kumar
And yet, until about five years ago, I stumbled through an introduction of my writing and my abilities. It may have sounded something like this:
Interested person: So, what do you do?
Me: I write and illustrate children's books.
More interested person: Wow—you do both parts. You're a writer AND an artist!
Me: Well… I'm not really an artist. I mean, I AM but I've never been formally trained in art and well, I've just worked to create a style that matches my words. And ya so… (head down, change subject, pick off nail polish).
This was not serving me well nor building anyone's confidence in me, including my OWN.
Today I want us to practice owning our GIFT and TALENT as writers. Wholeheartedly. Even if we're not generating ANY income from it. Talent and ability are not always cash-making but are still real and worth our belief.