I will convert PSD design into (HTML5 + CSS3) that adapt to any screen resolution, whether it’s a PC, tablet or a smartphone, along with following standards.
It includes:
1) W3C Validated code.
3) Cross Browser Compatible IE9+
4) Responsive to all major devices.
5) Semantic and SEO friendly code.
6) Neat & Clean optimized code.
7) 100% Hand Coded & Tableless layout (Table only for tabular data)
8) Minimum HTML (No unnecessary Divs) & use of Shorthand CSS
ANALYZE and OPTIMIZE using Google PageSpeed Insight to make it faster and mobile friendly.
★★★★ ★
I can use BOOTSTRAP or SASS for CSS, and Grunt or Gulp to automate the workflow.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
**Please get in touch first if you have any question to ensure this service is right for you.
Thank you,