Everyone can write, right? Wrong. Everyone can put words on a page in a more or less coherent order, but this is an entirely different beast to writing. When I get up in the morning, I put on shirt, tie, trousers, socks and shoes. And yet, I am unlikely to ever grace the pages of GQ's best-dressed men list. Why not? Because sadly, I lack the necessary fashion gene that ensures each of these single items work together to create a perfect whole. My shirts seldom compliment my colouring. My tie is rarely the perfect hue to bring out the blue in my eyes and my pants hardly ever accentuate my athletic build or length of leg. And so it is with writing. Yes, we all have the words, but the magic lies in how we make these words relate to each other, how they weave an artful web around the reader and persuade them into taking that next step. And this is where I can help your business. So if you want smart, stylish prose that make you stand out from the herd, then try me for size.