I’m Jamal Adekola,A freelance translator and copywriter from Nigeria and this is my fourth year doing this to gain some side income in which really pays me and I’m satisfied with. I make sure I satisfy my clients to their fullest need with my effectiveness and dedicated relationship with my clients irrespective of their various locations. I’m really dedicated to being a translator and copywriter and hope to be greater than I am in life. I work as freelance translator for law firms, agencies, and corporate clients in Nigeria and abroad and provide translations for a variety of industry sectors, with special focus on Law, Immigration, Tourism, Linguistics and Property management. In the year 2009, I completed a major(+ 300,000 wds) project involving the translation of esoteric texts (numerology, astrology etc.), a contract that continued until 2014 and added up to several million words. One of my larger contracts included the translation of web content, CD-ROM files video presentations and brochures documenting sustainable forestry practices in America(~ 80,000 words). I enjoy an excellent working relationship with a number of genealogists and Worldwide immigration consultants. During a typical week, I will frantically work on the translation of one or two contracts, throw in a few personal documents and the odd medical report. I don't like pressure, but I love challenges!h