Hello! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Krista & I'm a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful sons (ages 12, 11, & 4). I love being a stay at home, but the time has come to try and make some extra money to put food on the table. It's been tough going from a two income couple with no kids to a one income one with three (we just got custody of 3 of his sons). I've written and self-published two books on amazon- kindle and paperback. I am looking to expand my writing abilities/portfolio/experience as well as get some experience in proofreading/editing. I've been reading most of my life- since preschool- and writing since kindergarten. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your project needs. I can offer a quick, reasonable TAT on all projects. I offer reasonable prices- just contact me with details on your project and we'll talk.