B-Cause Kyoto City, Japan
Offsite Translator July 2002 – October 2004
Offered employment as an offsite translator after completing several translation tests utilizing Excel and Word. Wrote, translated, edited, or proofread over a hundred documents with no supervision and with direct responsibility to the complaints and qualms of clients.
o Created the Amagasaki City Hall information page for foreign residents in HTML, the English tourist brochure and homepage for the annual “Hana Touro” event in both HTML and Adobe Acrobat, and Kyoto City Hall’s city information page in Adobe Illustrator.
o Translated, edited, or proofread documents from dozens of companies and organizations, including J-Stream, Docomo, NTT, MS Japan, and Kyoto University.
IDA Osaka City, Japan
Offsite Translator April 2002 – October 2004
Hired as an offsite translator and translated, edited, or proofread dozens of documents for a variety of clients with no supervision and with direct r