EXPERIENCE (1)MaisonLBBWeb Designer | March 2010 – PresentWEB DESIGN:Designed cross browser/platform web layouts,UX/UI and architecture.WEB PRODUCTION:HTML, CSS, CMS, PHPPROJECT MANAGEMENT:Managed projects within a team ofJr Designers, Developers and Art Director.IDENTITY DESIGN:Logos, cross media branding and style guides.EXPERIENCE (2)Neo Design GroupGraphic Designer | August 2008 - March 2010PRINT DESIGN:Publications, stationary, marketingMOCK-UPS:Created prototypes to represent the final outcome.WEB DESIGN:Designed web pagesWEB PRODUCTION:CMSVECTOR GRAPHICS:Created illustrations used online and print.SKILLSDESIGN: Illustrator, Photoshop, CS6TECHNICAL: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScriptVERBAL/WRITTEN: Spanish & EnglishEDUCATIONFashion Institute of Technology in 2008BFA Graphic DesignCONTACTlorena@lorenamonagas.com(718) 216.9163WORK SAMPLESAvailable at lorenamonagas.comREFERENCESAvailable upon request