I can give you purple prose or basic hardline wording and make it flow naturally. I am punctual and even a bit speedy with my work. However, my ability to get things done quickly never compromises the quality I put into it, as that is the most important. I have two Associates Degrees in Business and Administrative Assisting so I am familiar with the basic technicalities of running and maintaining any business if you are looking for that expertise. I have a wide range of knowledge about many topics and have a decent understanding of Accounting, should any of that need to be made literary. I am also proficient in Microsoft Office programs such as: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Publisher. I am also a writer so I can provide you creative content if you are looking for help with novels, short stories, story outlines, poetry, etc. I am no stranger to research. As a writer ninety percent of my time is spent researching and fact-checking only to do it all over again for accuracy and efficiency. If you have a topic I am not as familiar with I have no problem doing research to supplement my lack of knowledge to provide you the best content possible.