Companies are always looking for candidates who will go the extra mile, and your resume is literally your first point of contact your first chance to put yourself in the "yes" bucket. And what recruiters are looking for can mostly be narrowed down to science, as The Ladders found last year in an eye-tracking study on resumes....
You may have a resume on your hand and but you have to stand out from other's up to you to decide whether you send ordinary one or new creative resume.
Therefore, deadlines and the number of applicants create a situation where recruiters may only read your resume for no more than a minute or two. So it is of the utmost importance you create a resume that stands out.
Here are a list of advantages of a professional resume:
- Your resume will stand out in comparison to the competition
- Keep the recruiter interested so that you are given the opportunity to interview
- Recruiters and Employers will not loose interest in your resume
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