All Services Writing & Translation books Creative Writer and Editor $20/hr · Starting at $25 Editing:Developmental Edits: The "kill your darlings" stage. As the first step in my editing plan (and my favourite step), developmental edits encompass the content of the book. I consider the story as a whole, focus on how it flows, if it makes sense, or if there are scenes or even whole plots that can be rewritten or taken out completely. I will leave detailed notes and go over them with you.Line/Copy Edits: The "is said dead?" stage. A very important part of editing, line edits entail that I go through your manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, or "line by line." I ensure proper word choice, overall tone, sentence cohesion, and clarity throughout the novel. While line editing and copy editing are different, I often combine this step.Mechanical Edits: The "there/their/they're" stage. Another meticulous stage and the final one. I will catch spelling and grammar errors, clean up syntax and work towards cohesion. This is the final cleanup on the manuscript to really polish it up and make it shine. Proofreading: Standalone edits for those who feel their manuscript is already up to snuff. Proofreading will ensure proper grammar, spelling, and language (much like copy edits or mechanical edits). I will also account for formatting (ex. chapter headers, table of contents, page numbers, margins, etc.) and see to it that your novel is fit for printing.Writing:Ghostwriting: From your prompt or idea, I will create a story from conception to completion. Depending on how much you want to be involved, we can brainstorm ideas together, form plot points, characters, settings, etc. If you leave it to me, I will create a full world and temper it into a book. There are many steps in between your idea and the final draft. If you find yourself in need of a co-writer to help flesh out your story, I can fill that role as well.Publishing:Proposal/query: I've been on the opposite end of the querying/proposal process and I know what agents and publishers look for. I will construct an elevator pitch for your book, a summary, as well as research comparable titles. I will draft up the email for you to send to publishers/literary agents, ensure they are void of spelling and grammar errors. Ideally, I will have been with you through every step of constructing or fine-tuning your manuscript, so I will have a familiarity (and probably a bit of bias) towards you and your book.Beta-reading: A second pair of eyes is imperative to the novelist. A beta-reader catches all the little things you may have missed. When writing a novel, since you already know everything about the world, characters, and plots, transferring these details onto the page might be overlooked. I will offer my honest opinion and suggest recommendations for your manuscript regarding the story, tone, plot, characters, or setting. You are free to use this feedback as you see fit. About $20/hr · Ongoing Download Resume Editing:Developmental Edits: The "kill your darlings" stage. As the first step in my editing plan (and my favourite step), developmental edits encompass the content of the book. I consider the story as a whole, focus on how it flows, if it makes sense, or if there are scenes or even whole plots that can be rewritten or taken out completely. I will leave detailed notes and go over them with you.Line/Copy Edits: The "is said dead?" stage. A very important part of editing, line edits entail that I go through your manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, or "line by line." I ensure proper word choice, overall tone, sentence cohesion, and clarity throughout the novel. While line editing and copy editing are different, I often combine this step.Mechanical Edits: The "there/their/they're" stage. Another meticulous stage and the final one. I will catch spelling and grammar errors, clean up syntax and work towards cohesion. This is the final cleanup on the manuscript to really polish it up and make it shine. Proofreading: Standalone edits for those who feel their manuscript is already up to snuff. Proofreading will ensure proper grammar, spelling, and language (much like copy edits or mechanical edits). I will also account for formatting (ex. chapter headers, table of contents, page numbers, margins, etc.) and see to it that your novel is fit for printing.Writing:Ghostwriting: From your prompt or idea, I will create a story from conception to completion. Depending on how much you want to be involved, we can brainstorm ideas together, form plot points, characters, settings, etc. If you leave it to me, I will create a full world and temper it into a book. There are many steps in between your idea and the final draft. If you find yourself in need of a co-writer to help flesh out your story, I can fill that role as well.Publishing:Proposal/query: I've been on the opposite end of the querying/proposal process and I know what agents and publishers look for. I will construct an elevator pitch for your book, a summary, as well as research comparable titles. I will draft up the email for you to send to publishers/literary agents, ensure they are void of spelling and grammar errors. Ideally, I will have been with you through every step of constructing or fine-tuning your manuscript, so I will have a familiarity (and probably a bit of bias) towards you and your book.Beta-reading: A second pair of eyes is imperative to the novelist. A beta-reader catches all the little things you may have missed. When writing a novel, since you already know everything about the world, characters, and plots, transferring these details onto the page might be overlooked. I will offer my honest opinion and suggest recommendations for your manuscript regarding the story, tone, plot, characters, or setting. You are free to use this feedback as you see fit. Skills & Expertise Beta ReadingBook EditingBook ProposalsBook WritingContemporary FictionContent WritingCreative DesignCreative WritingeBook WritingEditingEnglish GrammarEnglish LanguageFiction WritingGhostwritingLiterary FictionMicrosoft WordPlanningProofreadingPublishingRomance WritingScience Fiction WritingStory WritingWriting 0 Reviews This Freelancer has not received any feedback. 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