Creative writing is all about creating, giving birth. And giving birth involves energy, involvement and consistent attention. What comes out is novel, unique, untouched and strange to the world. Therefore, creative writing is all about making use of the simplest of the words in the most artistic manner. I love creative writing and juggling with words. Giving expression to thoughts and ideas through luminous and glossy locution is what I enjoy the most. Keeping in view, even a simple, concrete and equally sensitive word when used creatively, can hugely put an impression on the reader's mind. It does not require a Herculean effort for creative writing but a soft heart, subtle vision and closeness to one's surrounding. Rising sun, bird's singing, flowers blossoming, soothing chilled breeze, and a warmth in the heart to feel all this can turn anyone creative. And this is something I have always cherished since my childhood. My journey of creative writing hit a milestone in 2017 when my book 'Two plus two is not equal to four' got published.