In looking at my resume, you will see a woman with a diversity
of talents and skills. Having had a highly successful fitness career in New
York City and Boston,
in 2000, I decided to put my 25 years of fitness expertise to good use. It was
the start of a highly successful writing career, which lead to publication in Aspen
Magazine, HerSports, The Professional Skier, Pregnancy Magazine,
EPregnancy, Wired and many other print and online publications.
In 2004, I moved to Colorado. When I am not teaching fitness at Mountain Sport Fitness, I am a tour guide for the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance,
which involves working at the museum sites as well as the Welcome Center.
Additionally, I am a skier surveyor for Copper Mountain
and a mentor for the Snowsport Outreach Society. I just
completed a Podcast tour of Breckenridge, which will be available through I also received a contract to write an updated
Breckenridge Guidebook, which will be available through Channel La