I love writing! There's simply no other word to express the joy and satisfaction I derive from finding the right words, syntax and style to express my thoughts, flesh out an idea, create a mood, or simplify a complex issue into easy to understand steps or points.
Each writing project, whether fiction or non-fiction, is approached the same way. Know the subject. While researching a project my creative wheels begin churning, new information is constantly fueling my curiosity, and as I immerse myself in the subject, it challenges me to find the right voice to present it.
Nirvana! What finer way to lose track of hours than doing the two things I love most - reading and writing.
My experience includes business letters, memoranda, reports, manuals, proposals, tutorials, articles, newsletters, historical fiction, short stories and website copy.
I have included samples of my work under Portfolio/Solutions.
Thank you taking an interest in my qualifications. I look forward