Kathy has provided me with, not only great service while writing my manuscript, (AND along with HER wonderful attitude, she is very patient, caring that the MS is correct,up to standard) imparts necessary technical knowledge in writing, that I will take with me forever.
I'm a creative person, mostly business minded, and in the mensus society trying this new venue. I get that every single person we meet in life has a message for us, all we have to do is be open and observe. Kathy's messages are, and continues to be knowledge in the mechanics of editing, tightening up scripts, and major correcting of my words.
We are half finished with our work.
I hold all the info. Kathy has giving freely on printed paper. Once this MS is finished, I will leave my creative side, go to the math and science brain, review, study, apply, and hopefully retain before my next book begins.
Kathy IS the one 'DIAMOND in the rough" among the others on this sight! WHT A FIND FOR ME!
Thank you Kathy,
S. J. Burchard
on Aug 03, 2004