I am a novice humor writer with only one sale thus far. (to the Denver Post.) I cleverly disguised my article as a subscription renewal request, hence my success. But upon further scrutiny, the circulation director found it much less funny than the average renewal request and cancelled my subscription. But no worries as I am employed full-time in the exciting glamorous field of high-speed pizza delivery. The first and last sentences of the preceding paragraph are actually true! I love to write humor and I'm just now getting serious about making some additional income doing so. I'm quite flexible and can write funny ad copy (including dialogue) in a variety of styles. Also, editorial feedback is not an issue with me. I take direction and correction very well. "WHAT??? NO!!! You CAN'T cut my Rosie O'Donell reference!! I don't CARE what legal says!!!" :) I'm also a very competent editor and proofreader with impeccable grammar and speling skills. (I know that was cheesy, but I couldn't re