A retired high school
English teacher with over 40 years of experience in helping students learn to write, read, and speak effectively, I've also taught a class in journalism and written
press releases for the school at which I taught. In addition, I've copy edited
and proofread the manuscripts of two mystery novels (A Small and Incidental
Murder, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1990 and Death
Among the Angels, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991) and a short story
("The Evil We Do," published in the Mystery Writers of America
anthology The Prosecution
Rests, Little, Brown and Company, 2009). Now that I've retired from
teaching, I'm in the process of launching a freelance career in which I can
continue to put to use the skills that I've honed over the years of my career in education.
Skills & Expertise
Adobe PhotoshopCopy EditingEditingEnglish LanguageJournalismPagemakerPress ReleasesProofreadingTeachingWriting