I offer solid yet flexible solutions for business, empowered with the best-in-class tools and field-tested practices.
I primarily work with Next.js as a full-stack framework and Typescript. I have a solid understanding of headless, serverless, and microservices architectures/approaches and thus reduce costs and technological complexity for my clients.
Here are the tools I use often:
Front-End: React-Query, XState, Apollo Client, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI;
Back-End: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Supabase, Raleway, Planetscale, Vercel, Sanity, Keystone, Contentful, Prisma, Rest, GraphQL, Apollo Server, FaunaDB;
In every project, you'll get, by default:
★ best-in-class tools and field-tested practices;
★ system consistency, maintainability, and scalability;
★ concise, efficient, maintainable code that follows standards;
★ maximized Web Vitals and SEO, which makes Google happy