Cyber security is my favorite subject of all time hence I do it with utmost satisfaction. I have
been into cyber security engineering since 2013. had a company of own from 2013 providing IT
Security and network support services for companies. I have helped many companies in setting
up their network infrastructure, Client's ever management, Vulnerability assessment on client's
network infrastructure / web server / web application, experienced in Incidence Handling as well.
> Core skills include:
Network Security
Network Infrastructure Planning
Server Management
Penetration Testing
SQL Injection
Cloud Computing
Companies and clients include:
Pranathi Business Solutions India Pvt.
Ltd.Director for Pranthi Busieness Solutions
India Pvt. Ltd. From Junae 2013 to 2018.
Ongoing consultant for couple of companies that
require network infrastructure setup, network
security and Pen-testing till date. Client details
cannot be mentioned here due to confidentiality.