I’m an experienced Web developer. I am good at MEAN stack and especially built many kinds of graphs, dashboards and data visualization by using D3.js, AMCharts, HighCharts, GoJS, WebCola, Leaftlet, ArcGIS and Tableau: - Bar chart, pie, bubble, sunburst, map, tree, chord diagram, force-directed, sunburst, zoomable pack layout and many others. - Big data visualization: packing layout graph(d3.js) + Metronics theme + AngularJS + Bootstrap + Mysql + ES(Elastic Search) (I developed some algorithms myself for advanced bubble chart graph with circles and data is supplied by json and csv format) - Angularjs slider: pie chart + AngularJS slider + Ruby on Rails + Mysql - Dashboard templates used: AdminLTE, Metronices, Limitless, Bracket Thanks