I am a Mcom Gold medalist and also possess many other skills in the field of Computer/Digital work that includes -
Data Entry work (Ms Office full packages all versions);
Designing and Editing Audio and video files;
I can also create awesome Logos as per your requirements;
I can also translate any languages as per your requirements;
I watch almost all type of web series and movies that contains almost multiple languages and hence the urge of translation takes place;
However the best part is that I am a good content writer with creativity. I love writing and imagining situations that's just very similar to day dreaming (some mighty say). I can create stories and write any situation as if that's real and that's totally upon my imagination that I just thought.
According to me, ‘Writing is a creation that comes from writer’s imagination and that imagination makes the content creative. In one line, “try me, you will never regret.”