I am a data entry operator and type writer. I have a more than 10 years experience in the IT world. Now I am full time freelancer. I do all kind of data entry jobs and type writing and hindi to english translation. I am professional and extremely serious about my task. I am expert in data entry jobs and have a very good typing speed of 50 wpm. As a freelancer I always focus on the the reputation which can be build by client service. I use to take job from client and do it on time, make the delivery on time. I simply passionate with this and enjoyed my job always. I usually think that it is a pure business where client is my consumer and I am a supplier. I have to do supply my service to the client on time with 100% accuracy. It is all about trust between client and me, supplier and consumer. The trust is related to the promise that I make to someone to do something for him, because someone is waiting for me to get delivery. So my simple theory is that only reputation can give me good number of clients and by this reputation I can make a good market. I can surely state that me and my clients are together can make a family. Online freelancing is everywhere in the world so it is very simple to understand work from is spreading day by day. After joining the freelancing jobs I am so happy and honestly stating that I am enjoying my task everyday. I worked in the IT field for more than 10 years. I worked in Wipro Ltd and it is a very good company, even I worked in Teleperformane. I have a huge experience and that is why I am professional and punctual. I am able to provide take with in 24 hours that I have taken from client. I always used my last 10 years experience on my assigned task so that I can not make any error. You will get an error free jobs from me with 100% accuracy. After all it is a mater of trust which I always focus. My main aim is to serve my client in such a way that he will remember me and again come to me. I am very expert in data entry, I have experienced in data entry jobs, that is why I am confident and able to do job error free means 100% accuracy. In my opinion time is money and we should spend each and every time very carefully. I use each and every time so carefully that I will able to serve my clients. It is a promise to me and to my clients that whatever I do is doing with full honesty and whatever client is getting from me is full of satisfaction. So that we can work as a team and as a family. Building trust is the most challenging job for me, that is why I always keep it in mind that serving clients in a honest way is my goal. Freelancing job becomes my passion now and I really enjoy to do it. At last I want to state that It is my mission to promote this freelancing jobs from door to door, to spread this home based work from door to door so that many people get connected together and work like a family. We can make a good and healthy family by this. All information above are enough to make anyone one understand me. Thanks