As a HE recruiter in Yellow box HR services pvt ltd As a tax analyst in Ocwen financial solutions pvt ltd Ensure timely payment of taxes and save time and energy of the borrowers who have maintained account(s) with us by researching their property. Reviewing the scanned tax-related documents and prepare a database for future reference. Preparation of Legal documents database which is processed further to identify the geographical property identification indexes. Accessing county websites to identify physical addresses of tax offices. Preparation of Tax line contract control daily report and reporting to higher authorities. Reviewing and clarifying the Legal issue tax items and assigning it to respected team on the basis of criticality for further accomplishment. Co-ordinate with the team leads, day-shift, night-shift and onsite team members to approve & batch tax amounts and maintain database of the tax documents. Running query report on a daily basis and reporting to higher authorities. Worked with the internal error team to increase efficiency and output of the team. Also took training for the new hires.