E-Book Conversion, Document Processing,Data Conversion via Input / Output for almost any media. Data Conversion for databases, word processors, spreadsheets, and many other standard and custom-made software packages as per requirement. Convert Raw Data into MS Office. Text to PDF and PDF to Word. Data Compilation in PDF from Several Sources. E-Book Conversion., Back Office Support Services, Searching the electronic title plant databases for the current, prior owners in the chain of title, deeds, mortgages, judgments and liens, bankruptcies. Preparing the report with the appropriate content based on its scope of coverage, In this process, we receive scanned documents from client via FTP or CD’s through courier. We receive instruments batch wise for different counties. We receive both i.e. history and go-forward batches from client. For go-forward batches we get TAT of 10 hours. We identify key fields in each document and capture information like Legal description, Party names i.e. Grantor, Grantee from instrument, Extension information which is related to previous references and comments which includes additional property information.