I am seeking work at home or from Costco outer. Phone. ECT job with a well established company or personal buisness to generate extra income. I am a very dedicated and motivated person. I have many years 5 plus in customer service as well as typing and or data entry. I am available and eager to begin as soon as possible. I have all Microsoft office programs experience along with all the jobs I posted plus many more that aren't coming to mind. I am willing to try anything. With that said I am a person who always finishes things I start. I have never quit a job or anything of that aspect. I have been searching for a home/ computer/phone based job for months.scams Is all I have found though. I am flexible with hours and wages. I a looking to generate eztra cash due to bills and just adulthood we all know the frustration! I appreciate the consideration very much and hope to be hearing from one of these well established companies soon! I am ready to work! I have worked since I was able to get a job so at age 15-16 and have had one since and now I am seeking a second job I can do around my other job for the extra income. Once again I appreciate the consideration and opportunity very much!!!!