10 years of hand on proffesional experience from various firms and Government institutionsin data entry,Data conversion,PDF to Exel & Word,OCR and admin support. 60+ wpm Typing speed with accuracy,advanced level MS Office Skills with Englisg Grammar, Spelling & Punctuations.Detail oriented,commited,dedicated and willing to work under pressure meeting deadlines. Have Exellent knowledge on Internet browsing i.e. google,emails,sites management and troubleshooting.Started proffesional career as a Computer Operator in a private firm of commercial typing & then joined another firm as Data Compose & designer. Meanwhile, i have been sharpened and gained reasonable working Knowledge.Gained exellent command in drafting,fast &accurate data entry,advanced level of computer softwares Knowledge ,example Visual Basic 6,HTML,C++,ALL office Aplication (2003,2007.2010).Having 60+ words per minute typing speed with 90.5 % accuracy.