Extensive experienced Sales executive in retail industry with proven strengths in customer service, virtual assistance,sales and negotiations. Demonstrated skills in marketing, advertising, strategic planning and promoting products. Successful in developing strategies to attract new customers and maintain their loyalty. Computer skills include: Microsoft Word (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point).Optimistic and Friendlyi can finish work even those that i dislike and can maintain good relationship with my co-workers.Skilled CommunicatorI have excellent speaking and listening skills. My attentiveness makes people open up to me. I have empathy, kindness and patience that enable me to relate with different kinds of people.Self-ControlI have good tolerance and patience, which helps me to remain calm when I am making any vital decision.WinningI always like to win and at the same time, I also know that winning is not everything. Sometimes even after I lose I learn a lot of new things. I see