Possess around 6 years of learning experience in computer science and technology Himanshu Moliya is excel in team collaboration and solution brainstorming. He is passionate to learn emerging technologies which can overcome challenges in applied Artificial intelligence. He is working as a freelancer (R&D, Design and Development) with various companies and clients. He has been awarded by 25+ certifications in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Key technologies:
+ Computer vision
+ Natural language processing
+ Machine learning
+ pattern recognition
+ YOLO v4,v5
+ Data processing
+ Web scraping
+ OCR on images, Posters, etc ...
+ Selenium
+ Python automation
+ Restful api with python
+ Conversion of Json - XML - CSV - Excel - PDF - Word - Image... etc
+ Object detection
+ Advanced digital Image processing + Keras + Tensorflow + Pytorch + Qt application Strongest base area: + Algorithms : Dynamic programming, Greedy algorithms, Optimal merge pattern, recurrence relations. + Operating systems + Databases + Computer network: OSI models application + Theory of computation + High performance computing / Computer architecture