I'm Artificial Enthusiast, motivated to do work that adds value to the company and/or society. I have 4 years of experience data analysis using python and 1 year of experience in Machine learning. I am looking for a role in Machine learning and Deep learning. My skillset include following: Programming: In my free time I learn new techniques, participate in competitions and work on personal projects. following is the list of some of the key projects: 1) Audio tweets: A web application to listen to twitter tweets, written in python and javascript. 2) Loan acceptance prediction: predicted approval of a loan based personal and financial information. 3) Healthcare analytics: predicted if a person is going to join one of three health camps based on patient profile and health camp data. 4) Crop damage state prediction: multilabel classification based on agricultural conditions. 5) Big mart sales prediction: predicted future sales of various stores using bigmart sales data 6) House price prediction: based on property information like city, latitude, longitude 7) Digit Recognizer: classified digits using hand written images of digits in MNIST data set. 8) Sentiment classification: classified positive and negative reviews in the following * Amazon fine food reviews dataset * IMDB movie review dataset 9) Image classification: classified Trucks from other vehicles using labeled images. 10) Series recommendation: trained lstms to recommend the next challenge a user is going to take based on the history of challenges he has taken. 11) Topic Modeling: Trained a topic model as a multilabel classification problem 12) Text generation: generated text from a model trained on Shakespeare’s plays