I will design and implement various data structures and algorithms (individually or combined) in C++ or Java as per your need to achieve your suitable task. My expertise include the following concepts:
Arrays (Static/ Dynamic)
Linked Lists (Singly/ Doubly/ Circular)
Stacks (Prefix/ Infix/ Postfix/ Expression Trees)
Queues (Linear/ Circular/ Priority/ Double Ended)
Searching (Linear/ Binary)
Sorting (Bubble/ Insertion/ Selection/ Quick/ Merge/ Radix/ Bucket)
Binary Trees
Binary Search Trees
AVL Trees
Minimum Spanning Trees
Traversals (Pre Order/ In Order/ Post Order)
Graphs (Undirected/ Directed/ Weighted)
Prim's Algorithm
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Kruskal's Algorithm
Heaps (Min/ Max)
Heap Sort
Collision Resolution (Open Addressing/ Separate Chaining/ Linear Probing/ Quadratic Probing/ Double Hashing)
and much more....
If you have any confusion or want to know more, Feel free to contact me anytime.
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