Communications and Computer Engineer with many degrees in IT field, specialised in providing IT solutions, also having a passion for solving complex problems through advanced data analytics. Always striving for giving challenging impact to projects, Continues self improvement by gaining new knowledge about new Technologies, Methods, and Tools and be valuable part in enterprises success.
- Python Certified Associate Programmer (PCAP) from Cisco Networking Academy.
- Data Analyst Nanodegree Program Certification - Data science from Udacity.
My last projects in Udacity Nanodegree was about:
Using Gathering, Assessing, Cleaning, Analyzing, and Visualizing I can express
• US Bikeshare Data: using Python3 and libraries like pandas and NumPy uncover share usage patterns in 3 cities in United States: New York City, Chicago, and Washington.
• Data Wrangling a setoff 19000 online job posts for Armenian human resources portal from 2004:2015: posting that had not structure were not job related were removed.
• WeRateDogs: Using data wrangling, Assessing, analyzing and visualizing and Python and some libraries like pandas Numpy, requests, json, and matplotlib downloaded data from twitter account known by WeRateDogs that is Twitter account that rates people’s dogs with a humorous comment and ratings about dogs.