Designed data models, facts and dimensions tables, star and snowflake schema. Developed Loading Subsystem that extracted, transformed and loaded data. Developed Warehouse Subsystem to aggregate fact tables into summary views by multiple dimensions. Developed Query Subsystem as a Client DSS with OLAP, rankings views, and ability to export to Excel.
Deployed system in multiple departments: Sales, Marketing, Research and Development, Finance, Accounting and Distribution. Used by Analysts (3), Managers (7), and Executives (2). Deployed on desktops and notebooks.
Installed, configured NT 4.0 Server and Informix Dynamic Server for NT. Automated transfer of database to HP Unix for server load balancing.
Designed and constructed an Intranet system to track multiple life cycles of products through Configuration Management processes. Designed multi-node product hierarchy. Elicited user requirements. Analyzed through UML and translated to functional requirements. Designed logical and physica