Python and it's various frameworks including Django, SQLAlchemy and FlaskJavaScript and it's various libraries and frameworks including JQuery, Backbone.js, Node.js and Chaplin.jsPHP developmentSEO tacticsCRMsAPI Development and Consumption For almost 2 years now, I have worked for 2 startup companies where I contributed and oversaw development of mainly business-related apps.While at Concordus Applications I contributed to the development of a CRM, written from scratch using Django and JavaScript, using backbone.js. I am also familiar with libraries similar to Django, such as SQLAlchemy and Flask. Considering the amount of time spent working on these projects, I can say I am very well-versed in both Python and JavaScript, and their various libraries.I also spent a good deal of time contributing to our open-source REST framework, which is written completely in Python ( which utilizes many different Python frameworks, including Django, Flask, B