I’m MCSD.NET certified. I’m a Microsoft Certified Trainer in .Net. I have also taught CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) classes and I’m a CIW CI (Certified Instructor) Master Site Designer.
I just spent 30 hours programming a code generator that generated the backend base code needed to setup a site for a website with a database catalog containing 64 tables. My code generated 256 code files to support the custom pages I will build for this website. The code was generated in under a minute. Indian programmers can't do that for you. Customizing prebuilt open source solutions can be a hassle unless it's a very common application.
I've built the following ecommerce applications and I'm ready for a new application:
www.mybossisanidiot.com an eccomerce application that allows the site to send an anonymous email to an individual.(ASP.NET & SQL Server)
www.cichlid-idiot.com an eccomerce reservation system using ASP.NET, SQL Server and AJAX capabilities. (Staging serve