I am an experienced software developer who is familiar with using ISO9000 procedures to develop quality enterprise level software. Recently, I have branched out into freelance web application coding. I am adept in programming in a variety of languages from the more modern Java and VB scripting languages to ASP and Cold Fusion, all the way back to Fortran and COBOL; including C and C++.
Out of all my professional experience, I particularly excel at database programming. I am very comfortable with using SQL to create queries, views and stored procedures that can make the users data work for them instead of against them. I have also gotten very good at creating custom user interfaces to allow the user to manipulate their data in a way that is comfortable for them, follows their business logic and maintains data integrity.
By leveraging my skill with SQL, I have been able to create reports as HTML pages, Excel spreadsheets and even Crystal Reports that present the users data