- Developed a coupons aggregator website: http://www.apontaofertas.com.br;- Developed a complete structure for making this website a white label platform, so that it can be customized for some customers;- Created support for multi-language websites;- Developed a mobile web application for this website, using jquery mobile;- Created the “deals on map” viewer, using both Google Maps API and MapLink API (a Brazilian company for maps);- Implemented the login functionality of this website using the Gigya API (http://www.gigya.com) with social networks login features;- Developed web crawlers to gather information from coupons websites- Developed web applications for social network platforms, such as Facebook and Orkut, using theOpen Social directives of each platform;- Maintained the Terra TV (http://terratv.terra.com.br) player and front end systems;- Developed the web based system for a partnership project, between the companies LG and Terra, that provided LCD TVs containing a