Developed web based Office Tool for a restaurant in New York. This tool assist the restaurant staff in day-to-day management of Tips, Income, Expenses and Invoices using Java, JSP, HTMl and Access.
Developed a Content Management Application using Vignette 5.6.2 JSP.The content management system will allow a limited user group the ability to expedite pages to publish if necessary as well as decrease the overall time spent on content management processes. The application will also provide users with robust tracking and reporting functionality as well as version control. Technologies like JSP, JAVA, PLSQL were used in this project.
Developed an Online Marketing Tool using Vignette 5.5 for a tele-communication company to assist the users (indirect agents) by providing them with consistent and timely information on company products, services, promotions, contacts and news.
Developed Universal Content Management System using Vignette 5.5. This application allows user to create, modi