-Computer Literate-Has a typing speed of 50WPM-Has the ability to work fast and accurate-Has good attention to detail-Willing to work at any time of the dayAdvanced Knowledge in the following fields:OFFICE TOOLSMS WordMS ExcelMS AccessMS OutlookMS PowerPointOpenOfficeWEB DEVELOPMENTHTMLPHPCSSJavascriptJqueryAjaxMYSQLAPICMSWordpressJoomlaMagentoSEO -Computer Literate-Has a typing speed of 50WPM-Has the ability to work fast and accurate-Has good attention to detail-Willing to work at any time of the dayAdvanced Knowledge in the following fields:OFFICE TOOLSMS WordMS ExcelMS AccessMS OutlookMS PowerPointOpenOfficeWEB DEVELOPMENTHTMLPHPCSSJavascriptJqueryAjaxMYSQLAPICMSWordpressJoomlaMagentoSEO