One of thetop DHTML/Javascript developers in the world.
My last job was working for Microsoft on Vista - I wrote the Weather Gadget that ships "in-the-box."
Prior to that I wrote Mac OSX Widgets for AOL (Moviefone and AOL Search). If you are unfamiliar with Gadgets or Widgets, they are stand-alone mini-applications writen in HTML/Javascript/CSS.
I have over 25 years experience. Working for comapnmies like Macromedia, McAfee, AOL and Microsoft and in vertical industries like e-Commerce, Sales Force Automation, Product LifeCycle Automation and Cliok-to-Call.
Senior Internet Engineer for the largest (now defunct) online grocer ever to exist. I was responsible for the initial architecture of the webstore and developed the object-oriented, three-tier structure used to this day. I also coded prototypical objects used by/within each layer (for example, a customer object, a shopping cart object and a "retail object" object) that, where applicable, were fleshed out by C++ progra