Technical lead responsible for maintaining and developing Navy Security Net, a web-based application designed to facilitate daily tasking for Navy Law Enforcement personnel written in ColdFusion MX with an Oracle 9i backend.
Designed and developed secure web enabled database driven applications to aid in the Homeland Security and Antiterrorism efforts using ColdFusion MX, Oracle 9i, SQL Server, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MS Access and Active PDF.
Led "SSAA" (Security Staffing Assessment Application) through full life cycle. Designed custom graphics for SSAA GUI using Macromedia Fireworks. Modeled and implemented SSAA database. Created PDF files for SSAA reporting tool using ColdFusion MX and Active PDF. Created user-documentation for SSSA.
Developed and maintained Network Security System security ticketing and customer hardware/software support modules using ColdFusion, HTML, Javascript and SQL .
Updated company Intranent using Perl, HTML and CGI.