Assisted the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Office of Information Technology (OIT) with database support and web and performance related issues. OIT hosts many web sites for its agencies. These are created using Cold Fusion and Active Server Pages on the Internet Information Server. The web sites were originally Access database implementations. As a part of performance improvement task the databases were converted into SQL Server 2000.
Assisted the Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) with database installations, database design, maintenance, web development and administration. The application is in Cold Fusion 5.0 with SQL Server 2000 as the backend database.
Assisted the Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) with the Exchange Grantee Outcome Assessment Linkage System (E-Goals) website. The web application was created using Cold Fusion MX 2004 with SQL Server 2000 as the backend database. I contributed the design, content managem