I am a 40 year old Principal Software Engineer/Project Manager (PMP certified). Currently, I work at a very large software company and am seeking freelance projects. I have extensive experience in database and web applications, as well as web design and graphics.
Please feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/39a/715
My forte is creating data-driven web applications. Examples of these include:
* A time-tracking system for a large company that allowed remote employees to post their timesheets to a central database.
* Creation of a full Access database application that enabled a window company to track all customer data and allocate resources to jobs.
* Development of an Access/Cold Fusion application that allowed a large company to inventory it's technology assets, and mitigate Y2K compliance issues.
* Development of an Access application for a Yoga studio to track membership data and class schedules.
* Much more!
I pride myself in being a cons